Self Confidence and Low Self Esteem

Understanding Self Confidence and Low Self Esteem, Causes, About and Treatment
Whilst self-confidence and self-esteem are usually linked, they are not the same thing. Self-confidence is the way feel about our ability to carry out tasks and roles. Self-esteem refers to the way we feel about ourselves, the way we look, behave and think.
We all have an ‘Inner Critic’, the voice inside our heads that passes judgment on ourselves and on others and determines how we perceive ourselves and make meaningful sense of the world. People with healthy self-esteem engage with their ‘Inner Critic’ in a way that enables them to work through life challenges and feelings of vulnerability and strengthen their levels of emotional resilience and self-acceptance. People with low self-esteem tend to believe everything their ‘Inner Critic’ tells them, letting an often false, outdated, unrealistic script run the show.
Book you Free appointment today, be Free of Self-defeating Habits and Thoughts.
What is Self Confidence
Self Confidence is state of mind. When we feel confident, we accept ourselves and believe in our abilities. When we don’t feel confident, we can become stressed, anxious, unfulfilled and ultimately, unhappy.
How we feel about ourselves is often influenced by our past experiences, both positive and negative. The things we experience in our everyday lives, how we – and those around us – react to those events, can all have a significant impact on how we view ourselves and the world around us.
What is Self Esteem
Self Esteem is the opinions, feelings and thoughts you have about yourself. Although childhood experiences play a role, self-esteem can and does evolve and change in response to life events and experiences. The changeable nature of our self-perception is actually good news, because it means that you can change the way you feel about yourself so that it enhances your life and increases self-confidence.
What Causes Low Self Confidence
Low self-confidence is something many of us suffer with. It can be a result of many factors, such as fear of the unknown, low self-esteem, or fear of how other people see us. This lack of confidence can hold us back from developing both personally and professionally.
Automatic thoughts are an internal monologue that runs alongside our daily life, usually outside of our awareness. Automatic thoughts can be helpful or unhelpful. They can be realistic or unrealistic. We are so used to this running commentary that we rarely even notice it. What we notice is the feelings that the commentary creates. For instance, we may be unaware of our automatic anticipation of failure or success in a given situation, but we are aware of whether we feel anxious or calm.
What Causes Lack of Self Esteem
There are many possible causes, we are especially in our childhood. Factors that affect self- esteem include: unsupportive parents, teachers, careers, friends who are bad influences, stressful life events such as divorce or moving houses, trauma, abuse, poor performance (school, work, personal), mood disorders such as depression or anxiety.
How we see ourselves may be influenced by friends, family, colleagues, peers, or even the media. Big, memorable events such as a traumatic experience can have a significant impact and can cause our sense of belief in ourselves diminish.
Those with low self-esteem generally have low self-confidence too. Having said this, people with low self-esteem can have confidence in certain areas and those with high self-esteem may lack confidence in certain areas.
Treatment of Low Self Esteem and Low Self Confidence
Yes, hypnotherapy is a very powerful tool for targeting the root cause of low self-esteem. It can help prevent those negative, overly critical thoughts from telling us how to feel about ourselves and empower us to rid ourselves of these negative thinking patterns. Hypnotherapy can help you reprogram those old patterns, so that you interact differently with your ‘Inner Critic’, generating new helpful beliefs and thought patterns so that the outcomes are more supportive of your enjoyment of life and your highest good.
Erickonian hypnosis as developed by Milton Erickson’s (spanning over 50 years) it sparked a fundamental shift in modern psychotherapy and revolutionised the practice of hypnotherapy. Ericksonian hypnosis recognized as an highly effective type of therapy. It allows the clients to identify or resonate with their own strengths, abilities and resources that can assist in resolving the issues the seek to change. He developed the art skillful communications combined with observation and expectancy. He understood that the client’s resourcefulness is the key to solving their own problem, and the role of the therapist is to help them find the way to it.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a treatment that research has shown is the effective for remedying low self-esteem. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the cutting-edge treatment of choice for most psychological problems, designed to be brief, problem-focused, and active.
Want to Learn More?
Change starts with you making the decision that you’re ready to change. Get in touch … the sooner you do, the sooner you can feel reassured that you have already taken the first step to taking control of your health.
Our Stop Smoking programs include 12 months on-going support, either by phone or zoom or recordings or face to face consultations or a combination of same. Can Change Therapy’s clinic, with wheelchair accessibility, is located conveniently to service residents of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Hunter Valley.
We also offer Zoom consultations for your convenience.
For a free consultation please contact me now, mobile 0417 949 060 or email via our contact form.
Our Lake Macquarie Psychotherapy Treatments
Can Change Therapy offers the following treatments in Lake Macquarie and Newcastle:

Hypnotherapy Assisting Health

Weight Loss

Anger Management



Pain Management

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Self Confidence and Low Self Esteem

Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions

Health Recovery



See Our Testimonials Below
Doug was a fantastic help when I was in desperate need. He used a calming but very effective technique and taught me some helpful coping skills.
I highly recommend Doug’s services.
O’ K
Prior to seeing Doug I had several issues I faced in terms of focusing, depression and anxiety caused from a traumatic incident.
After 3 sessions I had a major improvement in concentration, decrease in depression and anxiety within 1 month.
Lindsay E
I have struggled with anxiety, depression and Post Traumatic stress. I started seeing Doug about to have Hypnotherapy.
As a result I find that I'm generally calmer, more motivated and generally feel better about life in general.
Allen M
Hey Doug, just thought we let you know that B (daughter) passed her university exams in law and accountancy with high distinctions.
She is very happy, thank you for giving her the confidence to pursue her studies.
Doug has guided me to recovery, my confidence, determination, and positive thinking have all increased.
Life is really happier and my future looks bright and positive.
Lee R
I was scared, no job, very depressed and emotional. After my 2nd session I started to change, so calm and relaxed.
Doug’s therapy has made me a happier and more positive woman able to cope with life.
Doug has changed my life around! When I first went to see him I was coming out of a difficult situation (family) and was reacting to all of this by comfort eating.
Doug listened and showed me techniques I could use to make me feel better.
I was a heavy smoker, spending more money on smokes than I could afford.
After seeing Doug for 3 visits I have not touched smokes now for over 4 months. Feel so much better, able to do more with the kids.
Ready to Make a Change?
If you have any questions or queries about our Lake Macquarie practice and psychologists we encourage you to call 0417 949 060 or enquire from our online form. If you are ready to get started, you can head to our online booking page, we look forward to working with you.

Change starts with you making the decision that you’re ready to change. Get in touch ... the sooner you do, the sooner you can feel reassured that you have already taken the first step to taking control of those issues you want to change.

156 Bay Road, Bolton Point,
Lake Macquarie, NSW, 2283
Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm
9am - 12pm