
Understanding Addictions, Causes, Types and Treatments
What is Addiction?
They are very strong mental, emotional, and physical cravings, which often motivate the individual to continue using despite the consequences. One of many serious side-effects of substance use disorders is how the mind is altered by using harmful substances. Additionally, the discomfort caused by withdrawal symptoms can result in desperation by the addict to obtain more drugs or alcohol, resulting in potentially risky behavior. The following signs are all indications that a drug and alcohol intervention may be necessary: Isolation, moodiness, changes in behavior, health issues (weight/sleep/etc.), missing work or school, hanging out with substance abusers, denying problem when questioned and self-denying.
Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) don’t only poison the body, AOD also poisons self-esteem and self-identity. We will work together to establish realistic and achievable goals. These goals are built upon over a period until the final outcome is achieved. In this way self-esteem is boosted rather than degraded by setting unrealistic goals. The Client must be seriously concerned about the effects of damaging their organs and shortening their lives with addictions otherwise there is no point in attempting to quit.
Book your FREE appointment today, learn how to manage your Addictions.
What Causes Addiction
Addition is often the result of trauma, most times the person is unaware of their trauma. Being unaware that their addiction is a coping or masking strategy because they’ve been doing it for so long, ts ingrained and invisible. There are many forms of addiction, sugar, alcohol, drugs, coffee, chocolate to name a few. Other forms of additive behaviours, gambling, cell phones, texting, etc. Addictions are the burdens people carry, these people are often harshly judged and labeled by society.
All addictions have negative consequences, they interfere with a person’s ability to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
Types of Addiction
The most Common Types of Addictive Substances, their Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms;
Is an Opioid drug made from Morphine. Heroin users feel a rush of euphoria after injecting, snorting, or smoking the drug. It doesn’t take long to develop a tolerance to heroin, and users will need to keep increasing their dose to get the same effect. Nasty withdrawal symptoms motivate users to continue using the drug. Long term effects of Opioid addiction can result in loss of white matter in the brain, which affects decision making and behavior.
Is a white powdery drug is typically inhaled through the nose and is a stimulant made from the leaves of the coca plant. Drug dealers often mix it with other substances such as cornstarch, talcum powder, or flour to increase profits. it is also very common for dealers to cut Cocaine with other drugs such as Fentanyl, greatly increasing the risk of overdose. Cocaine increases dopamine levels in the brain, and frequent use stops normal communication between nerve cells. That means your brain becomes less sensitive to dopamine and users must increase the amount they use to feel happy. Users who snort cocaine may experience loss of smell, nosebleeds, runny nose, and problems swallowing. Those who ingest the drug can have severe bowel decay.
Addictive nature of tobacco is one of the reasons it is so widely used around the world. Withdrawal symptoms start with a powerful cravings, followed by irritability, trouble sleeping, issues paying attention, and an increased appetite.
Whilst it is intended to help heroin and narcotic painkiller addicts control cravings, it is still often abused. It had a low pleasure score on the factors for dependence but ranked high in psychological and physical dependence. It is available as a tablet, oral solution, or injectable liquid.
Are depressants, they produce a wide spectrum of central nervous system depression ranging from mild sedation to coma. They come in pill form but are also abused by injecting a liquid form into the user’s body. There are many types, but some common generic names are Amobarbital, Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital and Secobarbital. They cause mild euphoria, lack of inhibition, anxiety relief, and sleepiness.
Is the most widely used psychoactive drug in Australia. It ranks high in the pleasure category, and it makes sense that most people consume alcohol to relax or celebrate. However, excessive drinking has a long list of associated health issues including high blood pressure, alcohol poisoning, stroke, memory problems, depression, and anxiety.
Benzodiazepines (Benzos)
Are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world, they help reduce anxiety and seizures, relax muscles, and help users sleep. They are also commonly abused because of their addictive properties. Examples of Benzos include Xanax, Valium, and Restoril. Within 1 to 4 days of discontinued use of Benzos, users may start experiencing insomnia and anxiety. After that, for the next 10 to 14 days without the drug, people might experience panic attacks, sleep disturbance, dry retching and nausea, headaches, and muscular pain and stiffness among a host of other unpleasant symptoms. Benzo withdrawal can be fatal in certain circumstances, meaning medically supervised detox is necessary.
Is a stimulant, developed treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, Illegal or street amphetamine known as Ice or Meth and are sometimes mixed with other substances then swallowed, smoked, snorted, or injected. Soon after consuming the drug, users may feel energetic, confident, happy, and have an increased sex drive. It increases heart rate and causes dry mouth and teeth grinding. Withdrawal symptoms usually disappear after a month of not taking any drugs.
With opioid epidemic, pharmaceutical are trying to counter this epidemic with buprenorphine. It is intended to suppress the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, decrease cravings for and block the effects of other opioids. However, it still offers a euphoric and sedated feeling for users, especially ones who do not have an opioid addiction.
Last but not least, this substance is an addictive substances that most people are familiar with. Cannabis refers to all products derived from the cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants, more commonly known as marijuana. It is highly addictive, 30% of users show signs of a marijuana use disorder which is associated with dependence. Withdrawal symptoms may appear including physical discomfort, decreased appetite, mood and sleep difficulties, cravings, and restlessness. People who start using marijuana before 18 are up to 7 times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder.
Treatment of Depression
Before seeking treatment for additions the client must have committed to change. I ask the client, “How can I help?” If they reply they would like to TRY and give up Ice, dope, grog, etc. I suggest they are not really ready to give up their addiction. The most important factor in resolving addition is TOTAL COMMITMENT to stop using and abusing.
Clients need to be committed, absolutely committed to change, not trying, but committed to doing what needs to be done. People never cease to amaze me, the changes they make when they commit Stopped using heroin, alcohol ,dope, ice, coke, etc.
Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based treatment for addiction, which can also be used to treat a variety of other psychological difficulties. Hypnotherapy combines the psychological process of hypnosis with psychotherapy. Erickonian hypnosis as developed by Milton Erickson’s (spanning over 50 years) it sparked a fundamental shift in modern psychotherapy and revolutionised the practice of hypnotherapy. Ericksonian hypnosis recognized as an highly effective type of therapy. It allows the clients to identify or resonate with their own strengths, abilities and resources that can assist in resolving the issues the seek to change. He developed the skillful communications combined with observation and expectancy. He understood that the client’s resourcefulness is the key to solving their own problem, and the role of the therapist is to help them find the way to it.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a flexible, adaptable treatment tool that has been used successfully in addiction programs all around the world. It has been found to be highly effective in the treatment of addictions and addictive behaviours.
Want to Learn More?
Change starts with you making the decision that you’re ready to change. Get in touch … the sooner you do, the sooner you can feel reassured that you have already taken the first step to taking control of your health.
Our Stop Smoking programs include 12 months on-going support, either by phone or zoom or recordings or face to face consultations or a combination of same. Can Change Therapy’s clinic, with wheelchair accessibility, is located conveniently to service residents of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Hunter Valley.
We also offer Zoom consultations for your convenience.
For a free consultation please contact me now, mobile 0417 949 060 or email via our contact form.
Our Lake Macquarie Psychotherapy Treatments
Can Change Therapy offers the following treatments in Lake Macquarie and Newcastle:

Hypnotherapy Assisting Health

Weight Loss

Anger Management



Pain Management

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Self Confidence and Low Self Esteem

Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions

Health Recovery



See Our Testimonials Below
Doug was a fantastic help when I was in desperate need. He used a calming but very effective technique and taught me some helpful coping skills.
I highly recommend Doug’s services.
O’ K
Prior to seeing Doug I had several issues I faced in terms of focusing, depression and anxiety caused from a traumatic incident.
After 3 sessions I had a major improvement in concentration, decrease in depression and anxiety within 1 month.
Lindsay E
I have struggled with anxiety, depression and Post Traumatic stress. I started seeing Doug about to have Hypnotherapy.
As a result I find that I'm generally calmer, more motivated and generally feel better about life in general.
Allen M
Hey Doug, just thought we let you know that B (daughter) passed her university exams in law and accountancy with high distinctions.
She is very happy, thank you for giving her the confidence to pursue her studies.
Doug has guided me to recovery, my confidence, determination, and positive thinking have all increased.
Life is really happier and my future looks bright and positive.
Lee R
I was scared, no job, very depressed and emotional. After my 2nd session I started to change, so calm and relaxed.
Doug’s therapy has made me a happier and more positive woman able to cope with life.
Doug has changed my life around! When I first went to see him I was coming out of a difficult situation (family) and was reacting to all of this by comfort eating.
Doug listened and showed me techniques I could use to make me feel better.
I was a heavy smoker, spending more money on smokes than I could afford.
After seeing Doug for 3 visits I have not touched smokes now for over 4 months. Feel so much better, able to do more with the kids.
Ready to Make a Change?
If you have any questions or queries about our Lake Macquarie practice and psychologists we encourage you to call 0417 949 060 or enquire from our online form. If you are ready to get started, you can head to our online booking page, we look forward to working with you.

Change starts with you making the decision that you’re ready to change. Get in touch ... the sooner you do, the sooner you can feel reassured that you have already taken the first step to taking control of those issues you want to change.

156 Bay Road, Bolton Point,
Lake Macquarie, NSW, 2283
Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm
9am - 12pm